Monday, April 4, 2011

Depressing Questions

Depressing Questions

Reality check, judgment day, civic duties, and our children’s destiny

Nothing new here just depressing questions

What have I lost? I am lost in a vastness of unfulfilled promises searching for answers. I have lost the spirit of fight against the monsters that are devouring humanity and instead I have substituted tolerance and compliance. I have lost my pride and substituted convenience. I have lost concern and substituted entertainment. I have lost privacy and the ability to know the truth and accepted invasion and commercial propaganda. In this age of progress both parents are working so daycare systems have evolved and family ties which are the very backbone of freedom and social structure of duty have eroded in a commercial divide and conquer misgiving. I have lost the clean air, water and soil. In fact I have lost thousands of species, habitat, and resources not only for myself but for all generations to come as history will show. I lost social medicine and social care services. I learned the truth about war and in one year I lost pride, patriotism, religion, social skills, tolerance, and ability to communicate, trust or be a part of anything. Yes I lost truth and trust we are lied to, murder in the name of, and it’s all about business as usual. War, what, why, who, this one that one Déjà vu?

What do I have to lose?
Everything that I have left and most importantly everything else that I have taken for granted. All the freedom my forefathers have fought and earned for me and everything remaining that my children would and should inherit. I will lose all that the constitution and bill of rights has afforded me and submit to a new efficient world order corralling our will to suit the benefit of Monopolies, Kings, Banks, and Dictators collaborating as the new ruling global authority. I can lose health, happiness, and except slavery for myself and I can subject my children to unknown hardships and demands in the absence of freedom.

What have I done to deserve this? Nothing and that’s all it takes to plunder a democratic system. Governments for the people and by the people will self-destruct all by themselves. Obvious I care little for myself but such theft from my grandchildren brings me dishonor. In past many have sacrificed there lives for democracy and freedom. Many have devoted there lives to maintaining our human rights. Now I stand by and watch democracy, freedom and all the rights afforded by the constitution wilting away. I try to excuse myself from my responsibility as I sacrifice my children’s children to the mechanized mundane marching machine’s new age rhythm of global economy. I have stood by as the wealthy one percent of the population has carved up seventy five percent of the world’s wealth and left no room for a middle class. I have stood by while the monopolies have been given the same rights as humans and now they have gone global and have gained control of seeds and water rights. I have stood by as monopolies, banks, and politicians have emptied fort Knox without ever stepping inside. I have stood by as my congress has been sold to the highest bidder and watched my government faltering in the silence it’s citizens. I for one am still content dinning in the chamber of fast food, busy in the electronic coliseum of entertainment, and not yet unemployed, bankrupt, or foreclosed into a real reaction. Like a cow I need to be electrically prodded to react. It is not my problem so I don’t make waves.

Who are the monsters? The monsters are in reality me and all the citizens who are as I have done still doing nothing. Democracy is about freedom and in no way free. Responsibility and civic duty are required. Effort is required, information of truth is needed, and actions speak louder than words. I don’t know what to do so for now I will just use words and thoughts. I wonder what goes on in my mind when I give a toy to my grandchild. Inside the box there is a three hundred thousand dollar debt they now personally owe (shameful theft). Enron was about theft of OPM other people’s money and it took collaboration of banks executive officers and accountants. My finger pointing will not help because the big red debt elephant is blocking my view. And Oh by the way children there is eighty percent less of everything else of value on the planet. Smile. Wake up and smell the thorns. What resources are left? Superfund toxic sites, sea of plastic, oil spills, extinction, genetically modified foods, greenhouse, ozone, and don’t sweat the small stuff children, just keep our Social Security flowing.

Who are the world order keepers? Who is in charge? Who’s responsible? Banks, Monopolies, Kings, and Dictators are the new ruling global authority that has emerged in the wake of my watch and our failure to act? Those in control are well suited and none are strangers to the tasks and rewards of wealth, power and kinship. Banks and monopolies now compete with governments and Kings for the control of our future. The same forces that grow monopolies in the digestion of smaller companies are bringing singularity to global power. Singularity by nature is not in touch with humanity, empathic, or ethic. We are puppets with the media and entertainment used to camouflage the strings of control and dependency. We are dancing to the beat of stocks bonds and false profits repeating history and its Déjà vu all over again in country, religion, and war (still as barbaric today as any horrific slaughter).

What drives them? How does it work if it’s wrong? Money is what drives them as in my tax dollars and consumer participation, instant gratification, illusion of progression, subsidized political infection, mechanized distractions, corporate corruption, no time for questions, lies about reflections, devils deception. Ill credited and dependent I too have my hand in the baby’s basket, cookie jar, Ft Knox with a social security key. Regardless of opinion the basket is missing three hundred grand from every taxpayer and that’s where all funds are or not coming from really or is that theoretically but still no less ethical.

What is the Problem? The problem is that we the weary people have lost, given up, or perhaps never had control of our destiny. We as a group of people are not in touch with truths (look it up search seek and ye shale find) or the vast global consequences thereof. We as a people are ill prepared to defend ourselves and financially either. Washbrain is a serious illness and we immune are few and far between carrying a heavy load. We are working with cattle grade vitality, most are neatly housed in cookie cutter boxes out of the way and obliviousness runs ramped in the crowds. A show of hands as to who has read the constitution, who understands it, what has been taken away, and who has said one word not alone made there voice heard would reveal our present predicament and the ease of dastardly singular social control. Who has searched national debt, Iraq dead, war cost, or efficiency of your contribution? Our compliance, acceptance, and convenience lifestyle has consequences and intern give us a responsibility to question what, who, where, why and when everything and especially that which effects our children’s freedom. Honestly when we go down it will be a global event. My homework one hour each day seeking truth and soon I will find my way. If perhaps you touch truth then I will have served conscience.

What can I do now? Is it too late? What should I do? Is it my duty as a citizen to act on behalf of tomorrow’s youth? I am spreading questions in my mind and sparking my interests. The progression to control by our new singularity club is relentless and points to no return. The ground is shaky and the stakes are high. I guess I am trying to advance from feeling a need for concern to sharing in a solution. Perhaps some of the world’s most powerful people can help me figure this one out. Assuming you studied the facts and understands the gravity of the situation I am hopefully you might have an idea that might just help so please mend my world.

Everyone has to know something is wrong right? Is the question how critical the situation is? Even so we are talking about the abyss so why wait to do something? I think most of the people can, have been, and still are being fooled maximum? Bush pushed a war and bad bills straight up Pandora’s Box. That’s control and a trillion dollar spending spree with plenty more for friends of CEOs. What (desensitized) did we murder this time 3 million in Iraq plus a few thousand GIs. Reward $1,000,000each. Wanted Dead or alive. 3 million Iraqistans. Could have finished the war overnight, saved a few hundred billion, and a better kill ratio saving the lives of 300,000 children. War cost over $1,000,000,000,000 one trillion

So what do I think? There is no way to bush-whack most of the people on this list. I see no one here that would deny any of us socialized medical or economic help. With people empathy rules and war is murder already. But the Monopolies have no heart and pharmaceutical giants eat 20 of these power guys for lunch so it’s too much to ask for truthful influence on a shady war right Rup, you could have said something man. Anyhow 20 of you guys could and should have a lunching together and help us get something done here. Touch the shame. Feel their pain. Take over the hill. Pass a new bill. When duty calls (Take your hand out of the till). Fort Knox is seriously empty with a $14,000,000,000,000 yes a 14 trillion dollar deficit.

Some of the World’s Most Powerful People
How do we get them to help

1. Barack Obama
2. Hu Jintao
3. Vladimir Putin
4. Ben S. Bernanke
5. Sergey Brin and Larry Page
6. Carlos Slim Helu
7. Rupert Murdoch
8. Michael T. Duke
9. Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz al Saud
10. William Gates III
11. Pope Benedict XVI
12. Silvio Berlusconi
13. Jeffrey R. Immelt
14. Warren Buffett
15. Angela Merkel
16. Laurence D. Fink
17. Hillary Clinton
18. Lloyd C. Blankfein
19. Li Changchun
20. Michael Bloomberg
21. Timothy Geithner
22. Rex W. Tillerson
23. Li Ka-shing
24. Kim Jong Il
25. Jean-Claude Trichet
26. Masaaki Shirakawa
27. Sheikh Ahmed bin Zayed al Nahyan
28. Akio Toyoda
29. Gordon Brown
30. James S. Dimon
31. Bill Clinton
32. William H. Gross
33. Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva
34. Lou Jiwei
35. Yukio Hatoyama
36. Manmohan Singh
37. Osama bin Laden
38. Syed Yousaf Raza Gilani
39. Tenzin Gyatso
40. Ali Hoseini-Khamenei
41. Joaquin Guzman
42. Igor Sechin
43. Dmitry Medvedev
44. Mukesh Ambani
45. Oprah Winfrey
46. Benjamin Netanyahu
47. Dominique Strauss-Kahn
48. Zhou Xiaochuan
49. John Roberts Jr.
50. Dawood Ibrahim Kaskar
51. William Keller
52. Bernard Arnault
53. Joseph S. Blatter
54. Wadah Khanfar
55. Lakshmi Mittal
56. Nicolas Sarkozy
57. Steve Jobs
58. Fujio Mitarai
59. Ratan Tata
60. Jacques Rogge
61. Li Rongrong
62. Blairo Maggi
63. Robert B. Zoellick
64. Antonio Guterres
65. Mark John Thompson
66. Klaus Schwab
67. Hugo Chavez

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